PADDLED - vertaling naar arabisch
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PADDLED - vertaling naar arabisch




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·Impf & ·p.p. of Paddle.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PADDLED
1. paddled out from the beach.
The Story Behind Iconic Surf Photographs _ Todd Glaser _ Talks at Google
2. Paddled in, did it one more time.
The Life & Times of Duke Kahanamoku _ David Davis _ Talks at Google
3. used canoes and paddled to explore
4. Paddled in, deposited them on the beach to his buddies.
The Life & Times of Duke Kahanamoku _ David Davis _ Talks at Google
5. I paddled to shore and dumped the remaining midshipman
California Coast Sea Forager's Guide _ Kirk Lombard _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PADDLED
1. Oh, they paddled around in giant Cheerio–shaped circles.
2. The study also found: _In states where paddling is most common, black girls were paddled more than twice as often as white girls. _Boys are three times as likely to be paddled as girls. _Special education kids were more likely to be paddled.
3. "One of the things we‘ve seen over and over again is that parents have difficulty getting redress, if a child is paddled and severely injured, or paddled in violation of parents‘ wishes," said Alice Farmer, the study‘s author.
4. Similarly, Native Americans were more than twice as likely to be paddled, the study found.
5. "We paddled over to Martin Luther King Elementary School, where I used to teach," he said.